This has been requested and I will start off by telling just CAN NOT BE DONE. There is NO WAY to do this achievement with out investing a GREAT DEAL of money PERIOD. You CAN obtain some of the SMALLER ones though so I will at least LOOK at it for you. I will also mention starting off that I will NOT be listing those mounts that have been removed from the game. So if you have in your possession an Armani Warbear or a Black Proto-Drake or any of the other "old School mounts" you are already ahead of the game! As usual I will begin with those that take really only TIME to aquire and end with those that will cost you *gasp* REAL money.
Achievement Mounts -
Albino Drake - Leading the Calvary Achievement
Black War Bear - For the Alliance or For the Horde
Blue Dragonhawk Mount - Mountain of Mounts
Ironbound Proto-Drake - Heroic Glory of the Ulduar Raider
Rusted Proto-Drake - Glory of the Ulduar Raider
Violet Proto-Drake - What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been
Argent Tournament Mounts -
Argent Hippogryph - 250 Champion Seals
Alliance Only -
Great Azuremyst Elekk - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Darnassian Mistsaber - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Elwynn Steed - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Ironforge Ram - 100 Champion Seals
Turbostrider - 100 Champion Seals
Horde Only -
Great Mulgore Kodo - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Darkspear Raptor - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Forsaken Warhorse - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Orgimmar Wolf - 100 Champion Seals
Swift Silvermoon Hawkstrider - 100 Champion Seals
Drops -
Ashes of Al'ar (Phoenix) - Kael'thas in The Eye
Azure Drake - Alexstrasza's Gift in Eye of Eternity
Black Drake - The Obsidian Sanctum Normal (3 drakes up)
Blue Proto-Drake - Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle
Blue Qiraji Battle Tank - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (yes they can only be used IN AQ but they do count towards the MoM achievement)
Bronze Drake - Infinate Corruptor in Culling of Stratholme (must complete timed event)
Fiery Warhorse - Attuneman the Huntsman in Karazhan
Grand Black War Mammoth - Vault of Archavon
Great Brewfest Kodo - Coren Direbrew during Brewfest
Green Qiraji Battle Tank - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (yes they can only be used IN AQ but they do count towards the MoM achievement)
Headless Horseman's Mount - Headless Horseman in Scarlet Monestary during Hallows End
Mimiron's Head - Unknown at this time
Raven Lord - Anzu in Sethekk Halls (requires a Druid with Epic flying form to summon and Heroic Mode)
Rivendale's Deathcharger - Baron Rivendare in Stratholme
Swift Brewfest Ram - Coren Direbrew in Blackrock Depths during Brewfest
Swift Razzashi Raptor - Bloodlord Manfokir in Zul'Gurub
Swift White Hawkstrider - Kael'thas Suntrider in Magister's Terrace (Heroic Mode)
Swift Zulian Tiger - High Preist Thekal in Zul'Gurub
Time-Lost Proto-Drake - Time-Lost Proto-Drake Rare spawn in Strompeaks
Twilight Drake - Sartharion in The Obsidian Sanctum Heroic Mode with 3 drakes up.
White Polar Bear Mount - Rarely found in the Hyldnir Spoils the reward for doing the dailys for Gretta the Arbiter
Yellow Qiraji Battle Tank - Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (yes they can only be used IN AQ but they do count towards the MoM achievement)
PvP -
Black War Mammoth - 300 Stone Keepers Shards sold by Knight Dameron and Stone Guard Mukar
Dark Riding Talbuk - 70 Halaa Battle tokens and 15 research Tokens sold by Aldraan and Coreiel for Alliance and Horde respectively.
Dark War Talbuk - 100 Halaa Battle Tokens and 20 Research Tokens sold by Aldraan and Coreiel for Alliance and Horde respectively.
Alliance Only -
Black Battlestrider - Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind for 30 AV, WSG, AB Marks
Black War Ram - Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind for 30 AV, WSG, AB Marks
Black War Steed Bridle - Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind for 30 AV, WSG, AB Marks
Black War Elekk - Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind for 30 AV, WSG, AB Marks
Black War Tiger - Lieutenant Karter in Stormwind for 30 AV, WSG, AB Marks
Horde Only -
Black War Kodo - Raider Bork in Orgrimmar
Black War Raptor - Raider Bork in Orgrimmar
Black War Wolf - Raider Bork in Orgrimmar
Frostwolf Howler - Grunnda Wolfheart in Alterac Valley or Jekyll Flandring in Alterac Mountains for 50 Alterac Marks
Red Skeletal Warhorse - Raider Bork in Orgrimmar
Swift Warstrider - Raider Bork in Orgrimmar
Rep Based -
Azure Netherwing Drake - Reward from Suraku in Lower City or Purchase from Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Vally
Blue Nether Ray - Grella in Terokkar Forrest (requires exaulted with Skyguard)
Cenarion War Hippogryph - Need Exaulted with Cenarion Expedition to purchase from Fedryen Swiftspear on Zangarmarsh
Cobalt Netherwing Drake - Reward from Jorus in Lower City or Purchase from Hulunk in Shadowmoon Valley
Cobalt Riding Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Cobalt War Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Grand Ice Mammoth - Requires exalted with Sons of Hodir Purchase from Lillehoff in Stormpeaks
Green Proto-Drake - Requires Revered with Oracles to purchase a Mysterious Egg from which it has a CHANCE of droping every 7 days.
Green Nether Ray - Grella in Terokkar Forrest (requires exaulted with Skyguard)
Ice Mammoth - Requires Exalted with the Sons of Hodir Purchase from Lillehoff in Stormpeaks
Purple Nether Ray - Grella in Terokkar Forrest (requires exaulted with Skyguard)
Purple Netherwing Drake - Reward from Malfas in Lower City or Purchase from Hulunk in Shadowmoon Valley
Onyx Netherwing Drake - Reward from Onyxien in Lower City or Purchase from Hulunk in Shadowmoon Valley
Red Drake - Requires Exalted with Wrymrest Accord purchase from Cielstrasza in Dragonblight
Red Nether Ray - Grella in Terokkar Forrest (requires exalted with Skyguard)
Silver Nether Ray - Grella in Terokkar Forrest (requires exalted with Skyguard)
Silver Riding Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Silver War Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Tan Riding Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Tan War Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Veridian Netherwing Drake - Reward from Zoya in Lower City or Purchase from Hulunk in Shadowmoon Valley
Violet Netherwing Drake - Reward from Voranaku in Lower City or Purchase from Hulunk in Shadowmoon Valley
White Riding Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
White War Talbuk - Requires exalted with Kurenai (for Alliance) or Mag'har (for Horde) Purchase from Narasu or Nasela depending on faction both in Nagrand
Winterspring Frostsaber - (Alliance Only) Requires exalted with Wintersaber Trainers
Class specific -
Acherus Deathcharger - (Death Knight Only)
Charger - (Paladin and Blood Knights Only)
Dreadsteed - (Warlock only)
Felsteed - (Warlock only)
Warhorse - (Paladin and Blood Knights Only)
Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade - (Death Knight Only) Thalanor in Eastern Plaguelands
Trades Required -
Flying Carpet - Requires 410 Tailoring skill
Flying Machine - Requires 350 Engineering
Magnificent Flying Carpet - Requires 425 Tailoring
Sea Turtle - Requires Fishing (no lvl requirement) but you DO need to fish in NORTHREND fish schools.
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine - Requires 375 Engineering
Mechano-hog - (Horde verson) Requires 450 Engineer but IS BOE
Mekgineer's Chopper - (Alliance Version) Requires 450 Engineer but IS BOE
Purchase able -
Armored Brown Bear - Mei Francis in Dalaran
Traveler's Tundra Mammoth - Mei Francis in Dalaran
Wooly Mammoth - Mei Francis in Dalaran
Alliance Only -
Armored Snowy Gryphon - Dalaran
Black Stallion - Unger Statforth in Wetlands
Blue Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Brown Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Brown Horse - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, Merideth Carlson in Hillsbrad, or Unger Statforth in Wetlands
Brown Ram - Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Chestnut Mare - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, Merideth Carlson in Hillsbrad, or Unger Statforth in Wetlands
Ebon Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Golden Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Gray Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Gray Ram - Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Green Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Great Blue Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Great Green Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Great Purple Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Pinto Mare - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, Merideth Carlson in Hillsbrad, or Unger Statforth in Wetlands
Purple Elekk - Torallius in Exodar
Red Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Unpainted Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Snowy Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Spotted Frostsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Stripped Frostsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Stripped Nightsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Swift Blue Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Brown Ram -Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Swift Brown Steed - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow Marsh, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, or Merideth Carson in Hillsbrad Foothills
Swift Frostsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Swift Gray Ram - Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Swift Green Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Green Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Swift Mistsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Swift Palomino - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow Marsh, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, or Merideth Carson in Hillsbrad Foothills
Swift Purple Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Red Gryphon - Brunn Flamebeard in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Stormsaber - Lelanai in Daranassus
Swift White Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
Swift White Ram - Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Swift White Steed - Gregor MacVince in Duskwallow Marsh, Katie Hunter in Elywnn Forest, or Merideth Carson in Hillsbrad Foothills
Swift Yellow Mechanostrider - Milli Featherwhistle in Dun Morogh
White Ram - Veron Amberstill in Dun Morogh
Horde Only -
Armored Blue Wind Rider - Dalaran
Black Hawkstrider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Black Skeletal Horse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Black Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Blue Hawkstrider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Blue Skeletal Horse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Blue Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Brown Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
Brown Skeletal Horse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Dire Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Emerald Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
Gray Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
Great Brown Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
Great Gray Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
Great White Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
Green Skeletal Warhorse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Green Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Purple Hawkstider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Purple Skeletal Warhorse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Red Hawkstider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Red Skeletal Horse - Zachariah Post in Tirisfal Glades
Swift Blue Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
Swift Brown Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Swift Gray Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Swift Green Hawkstrider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Swift Green Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Olive Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
Swift Orange Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
Swift Pink Hawkstrider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Swift Purple Hawkstider - Winaestra in Eversong Woods
Swift Purple Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Red Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Swift Timber Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Swift Yellow Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Tawny Wind Rider - Dama Wildmane in Shadowmoon Valley
Timber Wolf - Ogunaro in Orgimmar
Turquoise Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
Violet Raptor - Zjolnir in Durotar
White Kodo - Harb Clawhoof in Mulgore
TCG Expansion Cards -
Big Battle Bear - Drums of War set card is called "The Red Bearon"
Riding Turtle - Heroes of Azeroth set card is called "Saltwater Snapjaw"
Spectral Tiger - Fires of Outland set card is called "Spectral Tiger"
X-51 Nether-Rocket - Servants of the Betrayer set card is called "X-51 Nether-Rocket"
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME - Servants of the Betrayer set card is called "X-51 Nether-Rocket" you can upgrade it to the "X-TREME" version just by having the epic riding skill (basically getting two mounts for the price of one)
So there you have it. I hope you are all happy because I am exausted. I am sure I missed some. If I have please feel free to let me know. And Happy Hunting!
As quickly as it came, it was gone
5 years ago
Wow a great list, this needs stickied on the EM site! Last week I got my Albino Drake, first dragon for me...and yep I invested alot. My advice is, if you arent very lucky in game (read Enok) then get exalted with the 5 Main Factions and buy all those mounts. Now onto 100?
ReplyDeleteGood Stuff Dar.